Test Automation 101 with Playwright

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Course overview:

In this workshop we will learn about automation basics and good practices to have a solid fundamental understanding of this topic. We will write automation test cases with Playwright Test framework, create pull requests, and have code review performed for our written code with a feedback from code reviewers.


The goal of this workshop is to introduce the participants with automation, it’s best practices and Playwright Test framework.

Target audience

This workshop is for people who want to learn more about test automation and get some experience using Playwright Test framework. No previous knowledge of test automations is needed, but we will be using JavaScript programming language to automate with Playwright, so at least basic knowledge is required (bellow is a link to free online JavaScript lessons to get you up to speed).

Technical requirements

Duration: 1 day


Part 1: What is test automation

  • Automation history
  • Benefits of test automation
  • Demo for test automation and fuzz testing
  • E2E UI test automation
  • How to choose E2E test framework
  • How to write automated test cases
  • Hands-on workshop pt. 1

Part 2: How to write automated test cases

  • Locators
  • Hands-on workshop pt. 2
  • Explanation of DOM and it’s manipulations
  • Hands-on workshop pt. 3
  • What to automate
  • What to assert
  • Hands-on workshop pt. 4
  • Test data
  • Importance of avoiding maintenance

Part 3: Best practices

  • Page object model
  • Hands-on workshop pt. 5

Part 4: Best practices pt.2

    • GIT
    • Code review
    • Static code analysis
    • Code coverage
    • Modular test case structure
    • API calls for data setup and teardown
    • Hands-on workshop pt. 6