Jira Essentials

About this course

Jira is an issue tracking and project tracking tool used by software development teams. It enables a multi discipline team to plan, track, and release software.

This is a one-day course, where students will learn the fundamentals of Jira. They will cover the main uses for Jira and the differing needs of those who use it.

The key component of Jira is the “Issue”. Students will understand how Issues are grouped into components and projects. They will create, edit, assign and track these issues throughout a series of practical exercises.

Audience profile

Jira is used by a variety of roles. As such, this course is suitable for any of the following roles:

  • Developers
  • Project Managers
  • System Engineers
  • Testers
  • Service Managers
  • Business Analysts

At course completion

Delegates will:

  • Navigate the Jira interface
  • Learn about the typical applications for Jira and the needs of those who use it
  • Customise the Dashboard and their user profile
  • Create and update Issues
  • Use Jira’s Search and filter features to locate issues
  • Use Jira’s various reporting tools to track progress
  • Introduction to Jira and the Atlassian suite
  • What is Jira for?
  • Who is Jira for?
  • Jira Terminology
  • Issues
  • Search and filters
  • Reports
  • Dashboard and Profile customisation

Students would benefit from a basic understanding of Agile concepts, although this isn’t necessary.

Auditoriniai mokymai

Pradžios data Trukmė, d. Kurso pavadinimas Kaina, € Statusas
2023-02-13 5 20410: Installing and Configuring Windows Server 2012 1500
2023-02-21 5 20412: Configuring Advanced Windows Server 2012 Services 1500
2023-03-06 5 20411: Administering Windows Server 2012 1500
2023-03-27 5 10969: Active Directory Services with Windows Server 1500
Užklausti 5 Administering the Web Server (IIS) Role of Windows Server (nuotolinė klasė - ENG) 1500 Organizuojamas
Užklausti 5 Installing and Configuring Windows Server 2012 (nuotolinė klasė - ENG) 1500 Organizuojamas
Užklausti 5 Fundamentals of a Windows Server Infrastructure (nuotolinė klasė - ENG) 1500 Organizuojamas
Užklausti 5 Active Directory Services with Windows Server (nuotolinė klasė - ENG) 1500 Organizuojamas

Nuotoliniai mokymai

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