Improving Performance and Security in MySQL

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Course overview:

This workshop will cover the things that developers and DBAs can do to improve security in MySQL by mainly covering security-related issues pertaining to MySQL, but also putting some performance aspects into the mix – people will learn how to secure their MySQL instances and keep them performing at the best of their ability at the same time.


The main goal of this workshop is to introduce participants to the performance & security aspects of MySQL and help them build performant & secure software using this relational database management system.

Target audience

The target audience involves people interested in web development, big data, data breaches and data science – generally everyone who is interested in how MySQL functions on a deeper level is encouraged to attend. The attendees should have some general knowledge about MySQL.

Technical requirements


  • WAMP if Windows is in use, XAMPP if you’re using Linux / if you’re not able to use WAMP

Technical knowledge:

  • Basic knowledge about MySQL and web servers.

A general requirement would be a web server (preferably local) running Apache & MySQL. Flavor of MySQL doesn’t matter: either MySQL, MariaDB or Percona Server.

Duration: 1 day


Part 1: Improving Performance in MySQL:

    • MySQL Storage Engines
    • Optimizing MySQL for High Performance
    • Optimizing Schema and Data Types in MySQL
    • Query Performance Optimization, Character Sets & Collations, Indexing…

Part 2: Improving Security in MySQL:

    • MySQL Access Control – Accounts, Privileges & Roles, etc.
    • MySQL Security Plugins
    • MySQL Backups & Backup Security
    • MySQL and Data Breaches – Big Data